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What’s the best thing about snus from Swedish Match?

The Gewinner von "What’s the best thing about snus from Swedish Match?" 

Der Gewinner ist James Z. Chiang! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Gewinn eines Snuskühlschranks von Swedish Match.

Die Wettbewerbsfrage der letzten Woche war - What's the best thing about snus from Swedish Match? - Hier ist James' Antwort:

"Swedish Match- absolute authority in the world of snus. At first glance it it affirms quality from its clean and simple packaging, down to even the small details- perfectly uniform pouches which greet you in a distinctly arranged spiral pattern. All flavors original and on spot, refreshing Rota or Goteburg, all natural Grov, to its staple General line including Onyx- the snus which James Bond himself would enjoy daily. Simply put you cannot go wrong with Swedish Match, only the best of the best... a pleasure from start to finish."

Herzlichen Glückwunsch vom Team !!!

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