LYFT Strong Urban Vibe Slim

LYFT Strong Urban Vibe Slim

If you’re in the mood for something jam-packed with energy and exciting flavors, then the tobacco free LYFT Strong Urban Vibe should be right up your alley. These discreet nicotine pouches deliver strong and stimulating nicotine kicks (10 mg/portion) together with a refreshing flavor of red berries topped with hints of cranberries. A tasty combination that takes inspiration from the world of energy drinks!

Its nicotine pouches are design to provide a discreet experience. They fit comfortably under the lip thanks to their slim size, their all white character ensures that they won’t stain your teeth while their dry surfaces minimizes the drip. This low amount of drip makes sure that they deliver a satisfyingly long lasting release of both flavor and nicotine.

Feel the vibe with LYFT Strong Urban Vibe. You can now order it online right here at

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