Nordic Spirit Elderflower Mini Nicotine Pouches

Nordic Spirit Elderflower Mini Nicotine Pouches

Nordic Spirit Elderflower Mini Nicotine Pouches from the Swedish manufacturer Nordic Snus is a perfect choice for you who want to enjoy fresh flavor in an incredibly discreet way. These tobacco free and comfortable mini-nicotine pouches deliver medium strong nicotine kicks (8.5 mg/g) together with a summery flavor of elderflower topped with a touch of citrus.

The natural plant fiber filling used gives these mini-portions an all white character. This means that they won’t stain and that they drip minimally. Something that in turn lengthens the release of both flavor and nicotine.

You can now order your can or roll of the discreet Nordic Spirit Elderflower Mini Nicotine Pouches within the EU online right here at BuySnus!

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